Friday, August 29, 2008

My Compassion Child, Daniel

Hey, this is Bethany. I had the opportunity to travel to La Paz and meet my compassion child. IT WAS THE GREATEST DAY! I started sponsoring him when I found out I was going on this trip. Compassion and Daniel Collins were so great in organizing everything for my trip.

I flew to La Paz Wednesday night at 11:30 and met Daniel Collins' friend Maria at the airport. She took me to her house and we stayed the night there. Thursday morning we got a taxi, which was terrifying, and we went down to the Plaza where I met up with a woman from Daniel's project. We then took a van about 15 miles north of the city, and then took another van about 10 more miles north to a town called El Alto. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on at this point.

We then got out of the taxi and started walking toward his project, which is a church called Monte de Sion. I opened up the gate and there were over 400 children and all of the staff at the project waiting for me. They all said in English, "Welcome to Bolivia, Bethany." They made me a sign that said, "Wellcome to Bolivia, Dear Bethany." It was such a humbling moment. They welcomed me and sang me a song in Spanish. They then asked me to raise the Bolivian flag while they sang their national anthem. That was a huge honor.

The pastor of the church then read a scripture out of Luke 18, and prayed for me. Then, they presented Daniel to me. I got down on my knees and he literally ran into my arms and gave me a huge hug! Everyone in the project cheered. It was so incredible. He is so cute.

We then went into Daniel's classroom and I met his teacher, Noami, and all of his classmates. We had snack and colored a picture together. They gave me really nice gifts. His teacher told me that she loves Americans. She loves what they do for the people in Bolivia, and for children all over the world through Compassion. She was literally in tears saying thank you for what we do in America. I was in tears saying, "Thank you" for what she does in El Alto, Bolivia.

Daniel wanted me to go play soccer with him. So, me and about 20 5-7 year old boys were out on the cement, at 12,000ft in about 50 degree weather playing soccer for 20 minutes. That was so fun. They got really excited whenever I scored a goal!

After we left his project I was taken to Daniel's house to meet his mother and three sisters. Daniel had the letters I had sent him and the pictures of me in his photo album. I took so many pictures yesterday, but I don't have a way to upload them. When I get home, I will put them on the website.

From Daniel's house we went into La Paz and I bought him a kid's meal at Burger King, which he had never had before. It was great!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me to come on this trip. Thank you to all the middle schoolers and their parents who allowed them to be a part of this trip. It was the most amazing experience, and you have all touched 100's of lives here in Bolivia. I will tell you all about in person and show you lots of pictures when I get home.

Please, please, please, please pray for the children in Monte de Sion. They are doing amazing things there and I am very honored to be a part of such a great project and such great people. Please pray for Daniel, his mother, his three sisters, and his father. They are amazing people. I miss you all very much! Thanks again for everything! May God Bless you in ways you never dreamed, much like He has done for me.

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